When Can Block Gear Changing be Used?
This guide will explain the most common use for block gear changing or ‘selective gear changing’ as it’s also known. If you’re currently learning to drive, aim to use block gear changing particularly when changing down gears.
4th to 2nd Gear
Changing from 4th gear to 2nd is one of the most common block changes made. This block change is used when driving in towns at 30 mph and in 4th gear, then changing into 2nd gear to make left or right turns and when approaching junctions.

4th to 1st Gear
Changing from 4th gear to 1st gear is often used in towns when driving at 30 mph in 4th, then block changing directly into 1st gear when coming to a stop in traffic.

6th or 5th to 3rd Gear
Block gear changing from a high gear such as 5th or 6th (if your car has a 6th gear) down into 3rd often occurs when driving on high speed 60 mph roads or 70 mph dual carriageways, in order to take a roundabout.

3rd to 5th or 6th Gear
Block changing up gear isn’t often required, but if you gain a lot of speed in a lower gear, you may find that you can miss a gear or two. As an example, you’ll often need to gain a lot of speed over a short period of time on a dual carriageway or motorway slip road. This is often achieved in 3rd gear. Upon entering the main carriageway, 4th gear may be unnecessary meaning you can block change straight into 5th or 6th gear (if you have a 6th gear).